Discover Faith and Community

Who we are

A church that loves God and people

Our Beliefs

Curabitur finitur cum fide incipit. Magnifica fabula vitae mutandae itineris ad Deum.

Our Church

Curabitur finitur cum fide incipit. Magnifica fabula vitae mutandae itineris ad Deum.

Our Mission

Dolor sit amet inciderit fidei incipit. Magnificus fabula vitam mutat itineris ad Deum.


"We’re saved so we can serve, and there’s a unique role only you can play in changing lives for the better."

Janet Smith

"We can do more, be more, and endure more when we're walking through life together."

John Member

"Church isn't an event to attend - it's a place to belong."

Jane Member

"We have the opportunity to partner with God in building his Kingdom by sharing his love with our neighbors."

Jessica Member

Upcoming Events

Join us for our Annual Fish Fry

200 East 127th Street, NY, NY 10035

August 17, 2024

A day full of food, music, prayer, fun, games, and a school supply giveaway.

200 East 127th Street, NY, NY 10035

September 7, 2024

A delightful gathering dedicated to honoring our cherished senior members.

200 East 127th Street, NY, NY 10035

September 15, 2024

Recent Sermons

Life-Changing Journey to God

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